Sunday, November 29, 2009

December show at Bauhaus...December show at Fresh Flours

The Atelier is having two shows in Seattle this December. Crystal at Bauhaus and I'm showing at Fresh Flours.

We had the opening reception this past Saturday at Fresh Flours and I was really happy to see some faces I really should see more of. Thanks to everyone who came out!  Despite my sleep deprivation from hanging the artwork the night before and then opening the cafe the day of the show, after a couple drinks and some espresso, my mind returned.  The show has some prints from this past year at Gage and some new, post-Gage prints and drawings up as well. If you're in the neighborhood check it out. 5313 Ballard Ave NW.


Crystal is having a reception on December 10 at Bauhaus (301 E Pine St) for the Capitol Hill Second Thursday Art Walk.  See you there!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My work in the liferoom is still hit or miss but it feels like its getting a little easier. I think the anatomy studies are helping. I actually look forward to being in the liferoom now. I never thought that would happen. Once or twice a week instead of five times a week makes the time spent in liferoom a little more precious. The Bauhaus show in December is coming up fast and has been keeping me out of liferoom the last week or so. I need to be going more consistently before I hit another plateau with my figure studies.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

its hard working in the shadows...

I have a show coming up in December - a little more than a week away so I am trying to get as many pieces done as possible while still making them look good. This piece is giving me all sorts of trouble. Trying to bring out color and shape in shadows is proving to be veeerrry difficult. When the focus of the piece is in the shadow there's no cheating away the form and color. Its quite a challenge. Needless to say I'm not exactly satisfied with the results yet. I'm in that frustrating stage of just pushing paint around hoping the right image and color will magically appear. Funny how it never works out that way.
The show in December is at Bauhaus. They have big bookshelves there that the paintings usually hang in front of. I think it looks awkward and distracts from the work terribly so hopefully I'll be able to come up with a solution. They get a lot of good foot traffic there so its worth trying to make it look as good as possible.
I'm starting to get pretty sick of this series so I'll be very happy when I can get back to my drawing and painting excersizes and start thinking about a new project. I don't want to creatively give up on this series though before I've given it a chance to be worked through as well as I can do it. The end is always the hardest for me. The newness of the work I'm doing has worn off so its hard to infuse the paintings with a sense of life and excitement when I'm personally bored with the project. But I think thats part of being a real painter - is being able to harness creative energy thoughtfully and not be crippled without "inspiration". The balance of the love of creating vs. the work of the craft.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

back in black... and white!

waddup. I was out of studio commission for a bit there, but I'm back!

I started back on black and white painting, I'm super excited because I need to know how to handle paint before i feel comfortable jumping into the disaster that color is!
This is a black and white painting I'm currently working on, its from a portrait of my profile and even if it looks nothing like me i think it is coming along pretty well!

ps, we need to start posting this blog places because I dont think anyones reading