Saturday, February 20, 2010

Painting again!

quick sloppy color practice portrait, but at leaste I'm trying,
reading "The End of Art" again
looked at finished paintings at the SAM yesterday, The Alice Niel, the two men plaing with bubbles, and the woman standing, to see how they used their paletts.
proud to say I'm back in it to win it. More posts soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We've been back from winter break for a bit now

We need to get back into the habbit of posting. Here is a summary of what has been going on:

Back to meetings,

November show: Missy at Bauhaus
December show: Jameson at fresh flowers
                          Crystal: at Bauhaus
February show: Deborah at Bauhaus

Obviously Bauhaus has been a great little venue for us to have private shows. We are all beginning new series of works, and moving on from old concepts.

I personally have been moving into the idea of what humans do when they don't realize they are doing anything. To show insecurities and comforts in sleep is very interesting, I have been looking into how people rest and what their body language means whether they are alone or with another person.
In order to work on this project I have been doing studies of fabric to ensure that it goes smoothly. I have also been photographing friends while they are sleeping (with their permission of course) and studying the differences as I know them and as they sleep.

Aside from this new series, I am currently leaving my art studio which is so sad! I will be studio-less until I come back from France and will keep everyone posted.